Data Mining

Bamboo Filters: Make Resizing Smooth and Adaptive

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Cost-sensitive Variable-hash Cuckoo Filter

Click the Cite button above to demo the feature to enable visitors to import publication metadata into their reference management software. Click the Slides button above to demo Academic's Markdown slides feature. Supplementary notes can be added here, including [code and math]( --

Lock-free Concurrent Cuckoo Filter

Click the Cite button above to demo the feature to enable visitors to import publication metadata into their reference management software. Click the Slides button above to demo Academic's Markdown slides feature. Supplementary notes can be added here, including [code and math]( --

A Survey of Multi-dimensional Indexes: Past and Future Trends

Click the Cite button above to demo the feature to enable visitors to import publication metadata into their reference management software. Click the Slides button above to demo Academic's Markdown slides feature. Supplementary notes can be added here, including [code and math]( --

IBMvSVM: An Instance-Based Multi-View SVM Algorithm for Classification

As an emerging research direction of machine learning, the multi-view learning (MVL) pays attention to the tasks that learn from datasets with several distinct views to achieve better generalization performance. Recently, various Support Vector …

C_CART: An Instance Confidence-Based Decision Tree Algorithm for Classification

In classification, a decision tree is a common model due to its simple structure and easy understanding. Most of decision tree algorithms assume all instances in a dataset have the same degree of confidence, so they use the same generation and …

BIDI: A Classification Algorithm with Instance Difficulty Invariance

In artificial intelligence, an expert/intelligent systems can emulate the decision-making ability of human experts. A good classification algorithm can provide significant assistance to expert/intelligent systems in solving a variety of practical …

FabricGene: A Higher-Level Feature Representation of Fabric Patterns for Nationality Classification

Nationality fabric classification is a significant work to promote the protection work of fabric patterns and further reveal its unique connotation and inheritance rules in big data era. Thus, how to ascertain the feature representation of fabric …

The OCS-SVM: An Objective-Cost-Sensitive SVM with Sample-Based Misclassification Cost Invariance

Studies on the traditional support vector machine (SVM) implicitly assume that the costs of different types of mistakes are the same and minimize the error rate. On the one hand, it is not enough for many practical applications to rely solely on the …